Entry Level

Job aggregator for entry-level positions


As someone trying to break into tech, I often go from website to website to find entry-level opportunities and I wanted to create a job aggregator that has all the info I want from the multiple sites I visit frequently.

So Kim and I made Entry Level to help others struggling to find that first job like us. With Entry Level, you can search through all of our jobs from lots of different sources. We target students, recent grads, career changers, and individuals with less than 3 years of experience.

After reading countless blogs from Pieter Levels, we spent 1 month building a lean beta and shipped it to our peers at Lambda School and other communities to receive user feedback, early validation, and bug reports.

We spent another month iterating and fixing bugs from our beta launch. This time, after 2 months of working on Entry Level part-time, we had a strong lean MVP. We focused on the important components of users searching and applying for jobs. We launched on March 26th on Product Hunt and Hacker News.

We will be continuing development on Entry Level, adding categories, tag filtering, remote jobs for those affected by COVID19, and more.

Full in-depth blog coming soon..


  • Ranked #1 on the front page of Hacker News during MVP launch

  • Featured on Hacker News Mailing List

  • Ranked Top 100 in Pioneer.app Accelerator Global

  • Grew platform to 15k+ users in 2 months

  • Date: February 2020 - present

  • Role: Co-Founder, Full-Stack Development, Design, and Marketing

  • Technologies Used: React.js, ContextAPI, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, and ElasticSearch